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Restorative Dental Services

Restorative Dentistry is a field of dentistry that focuses on restoring your smile back to optimal health. It includes diagnosing dental problems, the treatment, and repair process of your oral health and functionality as well as the maintenance of your new beautiful teeth. From our state-of-the-art, fully equipped and comfortable clinic, we can help you with any restoration dental service and give you the perfect smile you deserve.

Dental Fillings

White or composite fillings are the best option for you if you are having larger cavities filled, or if you would like to replace your older amalgam or other metal fillings. They are also a good option for restoring teeth that have been moderately damaged by decay. These natural-looking fillings are stronger and even more durable than natural teeth.

CEREC- Chairside Economical Restorations Of Esthetic Ceramic

CEREC an acronym for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic is essentially a CAD/CAM machine that produces crowns (caps), veneers, inlays and onlays right in our office.

The advantage of this machine to our patients is that we are now able to complete these different types of restorations in just one appointment. In the past, a patient would require two or even three appointments over periods of weeks to achieve a comparable result.

Another great advantage of the CEREC system is that the restoration is created based upon a digital picture taken of the tooth. No more messy, uncomfortable and awful tasting impression material!

Laboratory testing has demonstrated that a CEREC restoration can last as long as or longer than one made of gold. Considering that gold has long been considered the most durable material for dental restorations this is quite a compliment for the CEREC system.

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